Hey hey hey everyone! Happy Friday!
We’ve made it through yet another school week! SIDE NOTE: I’d like to give a shoutout and MAJOR THANK YOU to all the teachers who have made it to school every single day, and getting those perfect attendance recognition awards. Our students appreciate it, too!
So, today we were back on the Chromebooks to take our Energy Sources test on SchoolNet.
After a little bit of finding my way with the awesome help of Ms. Scariot (our Technology Guru here at ARMS), I have totally become such a fan of online testing! It’s convenience, ease, productivity, and efficiency all wrapped into a pretty package for a teacher. For my students, they can access the test and take it without me having to get their materials ready, and can have access greater visuals, graphs/charts, diagrams, etc. When finished, students can check over their answers prior to submitting… but here’s the best part… They get immediate access to their scores/performance and can go back to review each question to understand why the answer selected was correct! It. is. awesome.
So, if you were absent today, please email or see me on Monday so I can pull your login information and you can take the test!
Have a wonderful weekend and I’ll see you back here on Monday 🙂