Thursday | Day 4

Thursday | Day 4


Today was a back to our normal schedule for the beginning of the year. All classes had the opportunity to wrap up their “Text Tuesday” and “Writing Wednesday” assignments. So far I have been really, REALLY impressed by the attendance, (lack of) tardies, and agenda usage of my students in these 4 days. I’m pretty sure my classes could get the ATA award – they’ve been on point! Each day, Principal Perry has been on our school WARMS News and sending home the ConnectEd e-mails and phone messages conveying the importance of and plans for helping our students meet the very high (yet VERY attainable) expectations for academics and behavior this year. So far, my students are making it happen!!!! YES!

Tomorrow we will have a mini vocabulary quiz on this week’s words, we will review Mrs. Barton’s science expectations for the class of 2019, and wrap up with setting up our science interactive notebooks (Whoooo!) PLEASE make sure your students is prepared with this item off the supply list (mentioned at open house, and in the weekly homework assignment given on Monday).

Missed something from this week? Catch up with this week’s assignments below:

1) Weekly HW – Aug 25 – Back to School (assigned & handed out on Monday 8.25)

2) Text Tuesday #1 – Reasoning in Science (completed by Thursday 8.28)

3) Writing Wednesday – BoY – Lab Adventures (completed by Thursday 8.28)

See you tomorrow,



Meredith is a National Board Certified Teacher and has been teaching middle grades science for over a decade. She enjoys all science curricula but life sciences are her passion. She loves creativity and organization and feels at her best in the classroom when she can infuse these aspects into her lessons to help set up her students for success.