Happy Monday everyone!
I hope you all have seen some sunshine today… not much so in our neck of the woods as we were covered by rain practically all day. No problem, though, because we were able to get 2 big tasks accomplished today!
Today’s activities cover pages 14 and 15 of our interactive notebook:
These directions were posted on the board, however some students (or for those who were absent today) could use this support to help them when needed.
After finishing this task, students transitioned to their synthesis worksheet. Their foldable allowed them a quick reference (based on their notes from previous days) for completing this worksheet:
Students also received their weekly homework sheet. Need another copy? Print one by clicking the link below.
Week #6 | September 29 | Due October 3 | 8.P.1.4 | Law of Conservation of Mass
Don’t forget – you can always get the homework from the weekly homework page in the menu above 🙂
Have a wonderful evening and I’ll see you back here tomorrow!
Mrs. Barton,
Can you share your Homework Sheet template with me (in a word document). I absolutely love your files.
Mrs. Barton,
Can you share your Homework Sheet template with me (in a word document). I absolutely love your files.
Would it be possible to get a digital copy of your physical and chemical properties and changes foldable?