Writing Wednesday: Epidemics + Pandemics

Writing Wednesday: Epidemics + Pandemics

Hey everyone,

Today students began by playing BoomBag with this week’s vocabulary flashcards. Next we watched one of my favorite TED Ed clips. Afterwards, students used infographs to begin working on their Writing Wednesday piece. Students are expected to submit their assignment by the end of class tomorrow. Get ready for lots of links and information!

TED Ed Clip:

There are 2 options to view –

1) This material can be viewed in blendspace by clicking this link. It is more compact in this format and you can “zoom in” on the infographs.

2) Scroll down to find your infograph!

Infograph - Ebola 1

Infograph - Flu 1

Infograph - H1N1 Swine Flu

Infograph - HIVAIDS

Infograph - SmallPox

Infograph - Spanish Flu 1918

Tomorrow we will be working on stations to solidify our knowledge and understanding of pathogens, disease, epidemics and pandemics.

Until next time!


Meredith Science with Mrs. Barton


  1. January 3, 2015 / 6:34 pm

    I love that you use infographs as a writing prompt. Can you share more details as to the expectations for your Writing Wednesdays?

    • January 13, 2015 / 10:05 am

      Our Writing Wednesday prompts vary from week to week depending on the topic, but they generally follow a framework that includes a prompt, an overview of the type of writing (expository, persuasive, etc.), and a writing checklist for our students (this is where the expectations come in). With these 3 pieces, students are able to write their pieces within the allotted class time!

  2. January 3, 2015 / 6:34 pm

    I love that you use infographs as a writing prompt. Can you share more details as to the expectations for your Writing Wednesdays?

    • January 13, 2015 / 10:05 am

      Our Writing Wednesday prompts vary from week to week depending on the topic, but they generally follow a framework that includes a prompt, an overview of the type of writing (expository, persuasive, etc.), and a writing checklist for our students (this is where the expectations come in). With these 3 pieces, students are able to write their pieces within the allotted class time!