Finishing the Quarter Friday

Finishing the Quarter Friday


Today was the “end” of our 2nd quarter (it “officially” closes next Tuesday) – all grades are currently being finalized and posted so be sure to check PowerSchool to see how you finished out the second quarter and first semester!

For students wanting to get a head start on next week’s unit/homework , you can find the homework on the 3rd Quarter Weekly HW page (or click here).

Our vocabulary and flashcard expectations for this upcoming week and posted below.

Weekly Vocabulary - 8.L.3.1 - Abiotic and Biotic Factors

Here are a few useful links/videos to help introduce you to our upcoming unit on ecology!

Abiotic vs. Biotic via 

Abiotic and Biotic Factors via

I hope everyone enjoys the 3-day weekend and I’ll see you back here on Tuesday!


Meredith Science with Mrs. Barton