Text Tuesday | What’s For Dinner?

Text Tuesday | What’s For Dinner?

Greetings all,

Today in class students had the opportunity to learn more about food webs and all the little details about them through a great reading entitled “What’s for Dinner?” (originally found here at Enchanted Learning!) We partner read this text and answered the interspersed questions.

After looking at today’s exit tickets I MUST say [ [  EXCELLENT ] ]  job today in class! Blocks 3, 4 and 5 easily moved into the GREEN today for 8.L.3.3!

Absent today? You can find an extra copy of the text assignment here.

*Note: Tuesday we completed only pages 1-4 of the above document.

Enjoy the rest of your evening!



Meredith is a National Board Certified Teacher and has been teaching middle grades science for over a decade. She enjoys all science curricula but life sciences are her passion. She loves creativity and organization and feels at her best in the classroom when she can infuse these aspects into her lessons to help set up her students for success.