Text Tuesday Presents: Estuaries!

Text Tuesday Presents: Estuaries!

Greetings everyone!

Today students began their studies of Earth’s oceans by taking a closer look at estuaries. We read a modified article from LearnNC.org to learn more about estuaries, their importance and how our human activity can impact the ecosystem balance in an estuary.

Students answered their questions in groups using the text and tomorrow they will wrap up this activity before moving on to ocean zones.

Here’s a peek at today’s activity!

Slide1 Slide2 Slide3

You can find the article we used here: Text Tuesday – Estuaries in NC

Have a great evening!



Meredith is a National Board Certified Teacher and has been teaching middle grades science for over a decade. She enjoys all science curricula but life sciences are her passion. She loves creativity and organization and feels at her best in the classroom when she can infuse these aspects into her lessons to help set up her students for success.