Diving Deeper

Diving Deeper

Hi everyone and happy Friday!
We’ve made it through another week!
Today in class we warmed up our brains by playing BoomBag with our vocabulary cards that we worked on yesterday. Afterwards we watched an interesting video from Discovery Education about the ocean. You can find the link below.

We also read Lessons 23 and 24 in the NC Science Coach book and answered the corresponding lesson review questions.
Students received their progress reports today. Please note, I’ve mentioned to ALL classes how to find assignments they’re missing or would like to make up here on our class website. There’s also an extra credit option to visit the EOG SCIENCE page (click here) and complete one of the practice set questions.
Now, you all know how much I love to celebrate and highlight the excellent work of my students…Check out
these amazing flashcards below!

Gosh they continue to impress and inspire me everyday!
On that note I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend and I’ll see you back here on Monday!


Meredith Science with Mrs. Barton