Open House | August 2014

Open House | August 2014

Hi everyone,

I hope you’ve had a productive week so far. For me, there’s only one more “workday” until our students come! Today our 7th and 8th grade teams held our open house.  I had the chance to meet a large number of my students for this year (and of course visit with some students from last year AND the year before – WOWzers!). I was really encouraged by their presence today and I’m even more excited to start out the 14-15 school year!

At the open house I shared my welcome page (below) and gave a brief overview of the fun and great learning environment my students will get to experience.

14-15 SWMB Parent Welcome Letter

Missed open house and want a copy of the welcome letter? Click the link below!

2014-2015 Open House Letter

I hope everyone has a chance to rest up this weekend so we are ready to hit the ground running on Monday, August 25, 2014 – the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! WHOOOOOOO!

See you Monday!


Meredith is a National Board Certified Teacher and has been teaching middle grades science for over a decade. She enjoys all science curricula but life sciences are her passion. She loves creativity and organization and feels at her best in the classroom when she can infuse these aspects into her lessons to help set up her students for success.