Wednesday: Favorable Adaptations

Wednesday: Favorable Adaptations

Hey, hi, and hello!

Today students began with their launch, then approached learning in a more independent manner. They were given 2 items: a slip of vocabulary/questions and access to a Popplet. Using the information in the Popplet, students were able to “think outside the box” and gather information to make connections.

After about 25-30 minutes of gathering information and making connections, students completed a practice that assessed their new learning.

A sample can be found below:

Notebook Spread Pages 40 and 41

Need to access the Popplet for more information? Click here.

News Flash

Standard-based grading for the second quarter is well under way! So far we have 8 grades! Want to see how you’re doing? Log on to SchoolNet to see. Progress reports will be coming out soon…. be ready!

I’ll see you back here tomorrow!


Meredith is a National Board Certified Teacher and has been teaching middle grades science for over a decade. She enjoys all science curricula but life sciences are her passion. She loves creativity and organization and feels at her best in the classroom when she can infuse these aspects into her lessons to help set up her students for success.