Thank you for your interest in my Pathogens + The Spread of Disease Review Guide! This product includes:
⭐ Grayscale/colorable and color student versions
⭐ Color completed answer key
⭐ Google Slides Student Digital Version
⭐ Google Slides Review Deck w/ animated answer key
- to project on white board to review answers as a class + boost student engagement!
⭐Google Forms Practice Quiz
This review is designed to be an overview and practice of major, foundational ideas, essential vocabulary and topics related to pathogens and disease (NC Essential Standards 8.L.1.1 and 8.L.1.2) so your students can be prepared for their assessment and ultimately their EOG. The combination of vocabulary, visuals and task variety should aid students in their journey toward mastery of these standards! Your students should have some prior knowledge of these topics before beginning this review to ensure they are set up for success!
It is perfect for a review as an extension, small group spiral sessions, individual or whole group practices, re-test qualifiers and more! These can be given as independent work, a combo of student solo/partner work followed by whole class review, or a straight-forward whole class review. You can even use it as for “Roll the Dice” or “Mad Minute” reviews! The possibilities are endless!
The Google Slides Digital Student Version is great for your LMS or students in a remote/virtual setting.
✨ I like to project/display the editable Whole Class Review Deck on the whiteboard and use it to facilitate a whole class review of the answers. This deck includes editable text boxes for answers (including open ended responses) so you can edit or tweak them to your liking. I also included some checks for understanding to “stamp” big ideas – you may edit or tweak these, as well!
Want to extend your lesson?! Use the included Google Forms practice quiz! Automatically grades upon submission and tracks their scores in your created spreadsheet!
- After students have completed their study guide, have them turn it in as a “Ticket to Test” to show they’re adequately prepared for your assessment.
- Save/store the study guides in a file cabinet or box throughout the year and prior to EOGs, compile them all together in a binder or 3-prong folder to provide a light-weight, “consolidated-curriculum” EOG prep booklet for students to easily review!
- Use interactive notebooks like me?! Well, these fit in perfectly! Simply print the study guide as a booklet and tape the spine to the notebook page! Voilà! You are set!
- Need a qualifier for a test-retake? Use this review guide!
- BONUS! This pairs perfectly with my Mastery Mini – Pathogens + Disease Page!
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