Fact Friday: Quiz 1.4 & Flashcard Friday List #4

Fact Friday: Quiz 1.4 & Flashcard Friday List #4

Happy Friday and official start to the weekend!

I’m happy we completed this week! It was hard not seeing my 5th block for part of the week but MAJOR SHOUT OUT to them for taking advantage of our class website, getting materials they’ve missed and staying caught up so we don’t miss a beat! Whooo!

Today students took Quiz 1.4 (found here: Quiz 1.4 – PTE). It is actually double in length and somewhat different from our normal quiz format, but because because of testing this week we decided to allow students to show what they know in different ways (i.e. matching, fill in the blank, and labeling element squares and parts of the periodic table).

Afterwards, we graded the quiz, completed our data tracker in the back of our notebooks. The final activity of the day was beginning our “Flashcard Friday” vocabulary cards.  That list can be found here: Flashcard Friday List # 4.  These flashcards are DUE ON MONDAY SEPTEMBER 23! 

I know I’ve said it several times already this year (honestly, I don’t think I’ll be able to say it enough), but my students are seriously awesome. There are so many personalities every day and as much as my students may have “their moments”, I still think they’re totally unique, solid kids capable of super successful things.

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!

Mrs. Barton Signature

Meredith Science with Mrs. Barton