Fact Friday: Quiz 1.5 and Flashcard Friday List # 5

Fact Friday: Quiz 1.5 and Flashcard Friday List # 5

Happy Friday!

Another week has come and gone. Here’s what we did to finish off the week!

Our class prezi can be found here: http://prezi.com/uioosmp7g7iw/fact-friday-quiz-15-physical-properties-physical-chang/

We started class by playing a sailing review game (pictured below).

Sailing Board Results

Next, students took Quiz 1.5 (found here: Quiz 1.5 – Physical Properties & Changes).

Afterwards, we graded the quiz, completed our data tracker in the back of our notebooks (listed as Quiz 1.5 / 8.P.1.3 – Phys. Prop & Changes). The final activity of the day was beginning our “Flashcard Friday” vocabulary cards.  That list can be found here: Flashcard Friday List #5.  These flashcards are DUE ON MONDAY SEPTEMBER 30! 

Here’s a little science joke I found that relates to what we’re covering!

photo 2 (5)

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Barton Signature

Meredith Science with Mrs. Barton