Monday! Here We Come!

Monday! Here We Come!

Hey there!

I hope you’re ready for great week ahead! Today we hit the ground running with a very detailed foldable about the layers of the Earth. Students knocked this one out of the ball park! See the image below to get an idea of what we made!

Earth's Layers Foldable

Today students constructed this foldable and then did a gallery walk to gather information about each layer of the Earth.

Searching for the resources from today? Find them here:

Our class prezi:

Earth’s Layers Foldable Template: Earth’s Layers Foldable

Earth’s Layers Gallery Walk Posters:Earth’s Layers Gallery Walk Posters

Tomorrow we’ll take a look at Pangaea and evidence for the Theory of Continental Drift!

Have a great evening!

Mrs. Barton Signature

Meredith Science with Mrs. Barton


  1. vicky DeTample
    March 9, 2015 / 11:13 am

    Love this activity – I am just little confused where do you staple?

    • March 9, 2015 / 11:14 am

      I’m glad! We stapled one on each side (left and right) and glued the circles down on one side so they flip up.

      • November 12, 2015 / 3:29 pm

        Hi, I am loving this so much! I’m a homeschool mamma and am trying to do this project with my boy, but we are having trouble figuring out how to glue it. Are they placed on top of each other like pancakes? Do they flip up or sideways? I’m not sure why this is confusing to me, I’m pretty sure I’m over thinking it.

  2. vicky DeTample
    March 9, 2015 / 1:18 pm

    Thank you! I’m a first year teacher and will definitely coming back to your blog!

  3. Erin Kolb
    March 2, 2021 / 3:36 pm

    This was a great find and I used it with my 2nd and 3rd for our layers of the earth homeschool lesson. They enjoyed it and it was a fun way to learn the layers