Monday – We Made It!

Monday – We Made It!

Hey hey everyone!

Today we made it through Monday – meaning we are in the final stretch before our first official seasonal break (Thanksgiving)! We are now only 6 classes away ( I already know how excited my students are). That said, we are going to try and pack as much information in as possible to keep us focused and set for CFA #3 (Monday November 25).

Today we revisited Darwin and his 5 points on natural selection. Students watched a BrainPop clip about Darwin and his adventures, took the quiz, and then began a worksheet. Early finishers were able to begin their “Evolution & Genetics” vocabulary puzzle. For students who did not get to finish this, everyone will start Tuesday working on it as a warm up activity.

Here’s the WORKSHEET we completed in class today: Darwin’s Five Points Worksheet

FYI – I am still working on grading projects  – y’all already know how excited I am about them, I want to make sure I don’t miss a single detail that shows the amazing efforts my kids put into their work.


Until tomorrow,

Mrs. Barton Signature

Meredith Science with Mrs. Barton