Vocabulary Tuesday
Hey hey everyone! SURPRISE! We had a 2-hour early dismissal today! This means I did not get a chance to see my 5th block students, and 4th block was cut short. Nonetheless we were able to get some vocabulary in…
View PostHey hey everyone! SURPRISE! We had a 2-hour early dismissal today! This means I did not get a chance to see my 5th block students, and 4th block was cut short. Nonetheless we were able to get some vocabulary in…
View PostHey there! Today, class probably wasn’t *super* exciting for students as they took Benchmark #2… It was exciting for me, though, because I get the chance to sort through the data and see what progress and growth my students have…
View PostHey there everyone! Welcome back after our 4-day weekend! Today we ventured into our new unit on ecosystems. We began by differentiating between abiotic and biotic factors in an ecosystem and finished off by answering the critical question: “How do abiotic and…
View PostGreetings! As I mentioned yesterday, we took our CFA #4 – that set us back a day in terms of our “daily themed activities”. Today we were introduced to our unit called “Healthy Living“. Students worked on a very informative…
View PostGreetings! Today we played a more intense version of Boom Bag to get as many concepts covered as possible before our CFA #4 tomorrow. Students individually retrieved their 20 vocabulary cards, science notebooks and also received 1 NC COACH science…
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