Teachers Pay Teachers | Back to School Sale!

Teachers Pay Teachers | Back to School Sale!

It’s that time of year! August is HERE and while I’ve been balancing a healthy mix of rest and school and resource work, I am officially kicking it into “school mode”.

One thing I’ve been doing is adding all my wishlist items to my cart to purchase over during the August 2nd and August 3rd sale – including back to school resources, clip art, and class decor! During the TPT sale my entire store will be 20% off AND you can save an extra 5% off using the code BTS22!

Want to get ahead and have a clear road map for your 8th grade science NC Essential Standards? All of my EOG Prep resources(linked here) both the pages AND companion Nearpods part of the sale so be sure to get yours while they’re discounted!

Last year I started making Mastery Mini reviews for my students. They’re single pages of content for students to apply and practice with their skills on a particular topic – like matter, energy resources, Earth’s hydrosphere, pathogens and disease, evolution and genetic and more! I loved printing out the Mastery Mini review pages (linked here) and having students glue them to their interactive notebook spread/pages. These reviews were perfect as an extension OR small group spiral work to give students a bit more practice with each topic. The combination of visuals + tasks/activities help to stamp their knowledge!

What are you looking forward to getting at the Teachers Pay Teachers Sale?!


Meredith is a National Board Certified Teacher and has been teaching middle grades science for over a decade. She enjoys all science curricula but life sciences are her passion. She loves creativity and organization and feels at her best in the classroom when she can infuse these aspects into her lessons to help set up her students for success.