Text Tuesday: Resource Text, Foldable and Synthesis… oh my!

Text Tuesday: Resource Text, Foldable and Synthesis… oh my!

Hello there! HAPPY OCTOBER!

Like yesterday, we are slightly deviating from our “regularly scheduled programming” to bring in NEW and FRESH ideas to our learning here in Mrs. Barton’s science class! The past 5 weeks we have done very focused Text-Tuesday activities where students read Common Core based activities and answer a series of critical thinking questions. Well, today we’re taking it a step further!

Here’s the link to our class prezi for the day: http://prezi.com/22-fdttiw7ma/text-tuesday-a-closer-look/

First, students were given a foldable to construct — ONLY the basic structure of the foldable, no information! Next, our stellar students were given a Common Core text to read with their shoulder buddy using our collaboration-style reading method. Afterwards, students were given the descriptions to glue on to their foldable. With these descriptions, it was essential that students understand the difference between physical properties, physical changes, chemical properties, and chemical changes. They were able to reference the text as a support for examples and clarification on any misunderstood topics. Finally, they sketched visual examples of all 4 types of information!

Properties & Changes Synthesis Foldable Exemplar

The last part of our packed day was completing a scaffolded, but rather challenging worksheet.  Part A involves differentiating between physical and chemical properties. Part B involves differentiating between physical and chemical changes. Part C involves differentiating between all four!

Looking for resources? Get what you need here:

Text Tuesday – A Closer Look: Chemical Properties and Changes CC Reading

Properties & Changes Foldable with Descriptions: Properties & Changes Synthesis Foldable


Properties & Changes Challenge:  Properties & Changes Synthesis Worksheet

Tomorrow we will be doing a MAJOR REVIEW for our CFA #1 (aka Chemistry: The Matter Around Us UNIT TEST) which will be on Thursday 10/3.

Have a great day!

Mrs. Barton Signature

Meredith Science with Mrs. Barton